Thursday, May 24, 2012

Dissolve to Oblivion

Putting yourself in another person's shoes isn't the best thing. You see, sometimes you want to feel the loneliness of other people by imagining you were in their position. It's lame. But I did that for most of my life. I thought it's one of the greatest things to do in life. Because if you put yourself in another's then you have this illusion that you're there to help out no matter who they are. It's perhaps that "hero-mentality". But come to think of it, it's good to help, it's good to assume other people's lives to kind-of reach out. I value that kind of thing: to help others. But I thought I'm overdoing it sometimes to the point that it's affecting my whole being. It affects my viewpoint, decision-makings, and even my purpose in life. I know it's not healthy to be in that kind of state of confusion but it does happens. It can be really lonely keeping things to yourself, how much more if you keep others' problems your business. Yeah, it's sad. And I'm sad that when I'm there, where it seems that I've transfered myself to another's, I can't do anything to change minds. But I still try to anyway. It's just that sometimes, I get too tired and stressed out that I miss chances of making myself happy and well.

Although I feel that way, I still believe that I've somehow contributed to the society. I mourn to those who mourn and celebrate to those who are happy. And then there's that feeling, when you feel like all the people are starting to pack up, and turning the lights off. You wanted to just dissolve into oblivion like when the movie ends, the stories, and your mission gets accomplished as well. I like that. I thought I need to kind of draw a period to something that we want to finish already because we need a break. We need to move on and respond to another's call. Yet still the darkness' silence sometimes turns into disturbing noise. When does it all end? I'm not trying to write an emo-piece here I just want to ask questions that nobody knows how to answer. Maybe it doesn't end, because we sometimes don't want them to end. And that we know that in the midst of all the trials of life, we still shout, "Life is beautiful!"

I have hopes and dreams and wishes that I still want to achieve. Why they're truly a mountain climb. I used to just say, well, I'm just a girl with limitations but now, I'm a woman with insatiable appetite for success. But what is success but just a mere ladder of achievement. Is success supposed to be forever? I don't know. Like computer applications, it seems that everything has that "update" needed. It's like a marathon run, though I haven't tried it, I could feel that those runners just wished they'd reach the finish line. You can't run miles and miles until the finish line without experiencing the hardships, obstacles, loss for breath, and total exhaustion. Is it a celebration for survival or for winning, you might ask. But we all got races to finish somehow. I, for one, had to run faster because if not, I'd probably get lost in my wishful thinkings again. I have a lot of things to do. I had to train myself and become more straightforward, sincere in my speech, and aggressive to advance myself. I have a lot of personality developments to do. I'm tired but I can't afford to lose this game.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

What are you oftentimes criticised for? How did you react to them?

I'm often criticized for being too absorbed in my job (or studies, when I was a student). They say so because my friends would often ask me to go out somewhere with them but either I'm too busy or too tired from my job. So I'd told them that I'm sorry and would take a rain check while making all the possible excuses to not make them feel that they aren't my priority.

I agree that even though we're busy with our day-to-day routines in each of our hectic career lives, we still need to maintain the balance, specially not neglecting the social aspect of our lives. In times of troubles, we need people to run to for help. I had had experiences wherein I had struggled with my co-workers and clients but the people I trust the most, such as my friends and families, gave me strength, countless advices, and moral support. Things that money can't buy, as we often say.

Video Sample

I am actually exploring the features of this blogger site. I used to have blogs but there weren't as many features as they have here. Like posting a video or photo. So I'm gonna do that now. This video is a sample video I did for Baraka Apartment. It's just a compilation of pictures I took from the building. I used Imovie and Garageband to put the movie and music together. It's not very sophisticated, because I did this in a rushed manner and I didn't have the right contents at that time. Anyway, here's my awaited video sample.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Why Go to Hongkong

As you read this blog, you have either travelled to Hongkong or you will very very soon. If your company is sending you there for say, training or teambuilding, you're lucky. But sometimes, there will always be chances where you just decided to use up some pages of your passport for a 3 days-2nights vacation in HK. It's exciting to think that you'll be travelling outside of your country. For Filipino travelers, it's so easy as packing your bags and getting on the plane for a two-hour flight (if you're flying from Manila). What's more is that, if you're a Philippine passport holder, you are entitled to a free 14-days visitor's permit. It's long enough if you're just planning to do some shopping, food-tripping, or a day or two at the HK Disneyland Resort. There are other numerous parks and tourist spots to enjoy if you're done with those amusing rides. You can try to take a bus or tram ride then you're off to one of the unique rides of your life as you witness a beautiful mixture of different cultures and traditions block-by-block. Of course, you should keep your camera handy in case of interesting sights and happenings. Yes, in this busy city, you will be surprised of the goings-on around.

The roads and bridges from the HK International Airport to the downtown city-areas present a marvelous view of what constitute a developed state. Even the skyscrapers that light up the city at night are very panoramic themselves. We all know that HK is a world-leader in free-trade capitalist economy that's why many business-minded people wouldn't miss to see and feel this very energetic city. I even know some people who travel once or twice a month between Manila and HK to buy cheap products to sell in the Philippines. Anybody can do it, too. But you must have enough resources and contacts to do that smoothly. For the rest of the travelers, there are several reasons why they choose HK:

1. To visit the Disneyland Resort. Before its establishment in 2005, it was just a dream for most Filipinos to go to the Disneyland Resorts in Orlando or Paris. Now, many would still stand in line to feel the magic of Disney in HK.
2. To shop. Whether they are clothes, shoes, gadgets, accessories, and other consumer goods, you'll really never go empty handed.
3. To find jobs. Yes, that's a given to those who are looking for that "greener pasture" as they say. Most of our people work inside homes but there are still a number of Filipino professionals who are in demand for their high-end skills.
4. To unwind. I know a number of people who would escape to the city of HK away from their toxic jobs or lives (such like the celebrities) in their homes. They thought there's less media frenzy or social demands in the area, which is true most of the times.

But whatever is your purpose, to get a feel and taste of what's in HK is a remarkable experience. Someone once said that if you travel outside your country, you will learn how to appreciate your own better. Probably you would say there are so many things in there which you wish Filipinos will have but still, there's no place like home. I would say, there are just so many things we need to improve in our country but we should not be too ashamed of how slow we are getting off. We just need time. A perfect timing.


 I lost four loved ones last year. I wish things were easy to accept when sad things happen in your life. I miss them very much, my parents,...

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